A wrapper around dplyr::mutate() that creates a correction factor for each observation.

dr_factor(.data, corrFactor, dateVar, timeVar, tz = NULL,
    format = c("MDY", "YMD"), keepDateTime = TRUE)



A tbl


New variable name for correction factor data


Name of variable containing date data


Name of variable containing time data


String name of timezone, defaults to system's timezone


Either "MDY" or "YMD" for dateVar - deprecated as of driftR v1.1


A logical statement to keep an intermediate dateTime variable


An object of the same class as .data with the new correction factor variable added to the other data in .data as well as a dateTime variable if keepDateTime = TRUE.


Correction factors are calculated based on the time of the observation and the total amount of time that the instrument had been deployed. They are used in the equations for both the one-point and two-point drift corrections.

See also

dr_correctOne for correction factor creation, dr_correctTwo for the two-point drift correction


testData <- data.frame( Date = c("9/18/2015", "9/18/2015", "9/18/2015", "9/18/2015", "9/18/2015", "9/18/2015"), Time = c("12:10:49", "12:15:50", "12:20:51", "12:25:51", "12:30:51", "12:35:51"), Temp = c(14.76, 14.64, 14.57, 14.51, 14.50, 14.63), SpCond = c(0.754, 0.750, 0.750, 0.749, 0.749, 0.749), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) dr_factor(testData, corrFactor = corrFac, dateVar = Date, timeVar = Time, keepDateTime = TRUE)
#> Date Time Temp SpCond dateTime corrFac #> 1 9/18/2015 12:10:49 14.76 0.754 9/18/2015 12:10:49 0.0000000 #> 2 9/18/2015 12:15:50 14.64 0.750 9/18/2015 12:15:50 0.2003995 #> 3 9/18/2015 12:20:51 14.57 0.750 9/18/2015 12:20:51 0.4007989 #> 4 9/18/2015 12:25:51 14.51 0.749 9/18/2015 12:25:51 0.6005326 #> 5 9/18/2015 12:30:51 14.50 0.749 9/18/2015 12:30:51 0.8002663 #> 6 9/18/2015 12:35:51 14.63 0.749 9/18/2015 12:35:51 1.0000000